Moonlight Film Festival. Dive into the World of Cinema

Project Vision. Elevating ideas.

Challenges. Meeting challenges.

Design process. Push the user centered design.

Learn user their problems, wants, needs. Empathize.
Empathy map
• Personas
User story
• User journey map
Define. most important problem to solve.
Problem statement
• Hypothesis statement
Ideate. Bring the potential solutions.
Competitor analysis
• Crazy eights
Produce an early model. Protype.
• Low fidelity
Hight fidelity

Meet The User. Connect and understand the perspectives of every user.

User testing & Observation. Ensure a seamless interaction.

User's Expectation

When we built the Official ‘Moonlight Film Festival’  website we had to focus on what users needed. We used a Competitive Audit and Usability Study to get insight from users so that the design could meet their expectations.

How they feel?

All the necessary information and the design had to come together  for us to build an official website focused on the users experience. When we design based on interaction design users feel this has the band identity of the ‘Moonlight Film Festival’.

Information Architecture. Landscapes for a user-centric experience.

Wireframe. The first draft to guide the evolution of design.


When it is time to sketch a wireframe based on Industry standards to establish the basic structure of a page.
When it comes to life I have to portray and project an overview of the design following the knowledge from
Google UX Design Course.

Spending the time when drafting the screen base on the user need to ensure all the process and the
pain point
are included in the design to help users can finding and booking.

Challenges. Overcoming obstacles.

Overwhelmed (by) Information
Information from many sources may make users confused and overwhelmed. Therefore our condition was that the design had to focus on the categories that users need  to have a good experience.
Reliable Source
The ‘Moonlight Film Festival ‘website has to show all the information that users can share and reference from the official website to make users feel confident.
Access one website
The official ‘Moonlight film festival’ website includes everything in one location, this allows users to visit build Brand Personality with trust.

Design. Transforming visions into captivating and user-centric designs.

Take away. Opportunities for growth.


The ‘Moonlight Film Festival’ official website has to represent the Brand Personality and show that the concept of the design can interact with users to recognize this is the form of the Film Festival.

What I learned

Reference from Competitive Audit every competitor always shows their Brand Personality with their styles but also importantly how they interact with users who visit their website it is a challenge when I have to consider Typography, Layout, and Iconography to meet the expectation of users.

Next. Moonlight Filmfestival.

Kraw Madee

Experience for every type of customer to enjoy services from Kraw Madee restaurant

UX Design
UX Research
UX Case study